• S6 2BY - Application Form - Sheffield

    Thank you for applying.

  • We have many more applications from creatives than we can find spaces for, but we have new spaces coming up all the time so even if you don’t hear from us straight away we will keep looking and trying to find you a project space.

    To help us, we have just a few simple questions about you and your practice

  • Yes
    Do you have the right to live and work in the UK? *
    Do you have your own accommodation? It is not permitted to sleep/live in the project space and it's for creative practice only *
    We do not accept applications from individual artists - please confirm you are a curator with a group show proposal, or part of a collective of artists that has a programme or need for space for large work *

  • Top Tip: being flexible regarding slots increases chances of success.

  • Required Required

  • Required Required Required

  • Please enter your handles here

  • Please tell us the artists that would be in the exhibition - confirmed and not confirmed. We know projects will change and that is fine, but we need an idea who you will be including.

  • Tell us about your artistic history, if you have exhibited or had shows, any recognition or awards?

  • Max 100 words

  • Tell us how you could expand, or explore new ideas, or develop new work which you otherwise may not be able to.

  • Please tick all that apply

  • Upload file

    Ensure that the portfolio includes work that will be or you want to be in the exhibition and/or a good range of your practice - not just one work. If applying as a group can you please include images of everyone else's work too.

  • To show clips or moving image work etc

  • To show clips or moving image work etc

  • Upload file

  • Please tick all that apply

  • Please do not include Open Calls as your way to bring creatives together.

  • Please tick all that apply

  • * 'Live': workshop participants, event audiences, photography subjects, any members of the public who engage with your work in person. 'Online': numbers of:watches/likes on Youtube, streaming and social media platforms, messages and emails.

  • Yes
    - You are comfortable with the general public seeing your practice being made, as most of our sites will be visible from the street *
    - You can commit to at least 3 days in the Hypha Studio space per week *
    - You understand the space is offered as seen - our spaces are not purpose-built. *
    - You will have to provide all required equipment and there will be no wifi available as our spaces are empty units *
    - Residencies will be subject to periodic reviews to ensure a) that you’re getting the most out of the space and b) that the building owners are happy to continue *
    - Building owners can give notice of four weeks if they find and choose to go with a paying tenant. In our experience this is very unlikely to happen, but we want to be upfront about the possibility *
    - You will be responsible for PAT testing all equipment and fire extinguishers (we will help you do this) *

    Hypha Studios are not purpose-built artists studios or galleries. To manage your expectations, help us fulfil our charitable purposes, we aim for upfront transparency about the conditions of using the space.

  • Yes
    Please tick here to subscribe to our newsletter for news about other spaces
